• On modern operating systems, FarCry lacks land-mass reflections in water. This applies to the last patches, such as 1.3 or 1.4. This seems to be a regression in D3D9. Solution: Use Silentpatch
• In patch 1.4 (at least), scrolling the mouse wheel will instantly crash the game if a level is loading. SilentPatch fixes this, as will future versions of Farout Widescreen.
• In patch 1.4, AI can see and shoot through things made of canvas. Such as the tents in the Training and Pier levels. Solution: Use the GOG version, or the "Tent AI Bug Fix". Various other mods include changes that achieve the same effect as well. The file responsible for this is named mat_canvas.lua and it's at FarCry\FCData\Scripts.pak\SCRIPTS\materials\mat_canvas.lua ... where Scripts.pak is a normal zip file with extension changed. The piercing_resistence attribute near the bottom is responsible for this. Setting it to a value higher than 0 should do the trick. Suggested value is 7. FarOut note: I found this long ago on Google and consider it it common knowledge.
• After loading a saved game, the trackers for the binocular may be active even though the binoc are not being used. Many players have seen this one, though it is somewhat rare. Is fixed in FarOut Widescreen and maybe other mods/patches(?)
• The game's Hud and weapon scopes are not ready for 16:9 aspect ratios. Given the era the game was developed in, this is not that surprising. Some find it really annoying, and other don't care. Solution: Use one of the existing (4+) widescreen mods, or make your own.
• Field of View does not scale up automatically if playing at aspect ratios higher than 4:3. For example, at 16:9 the FOV remains at 90 .. which was intended for 4:3. This is fairly noticeable, and can be annoying as the game is primarily vert-. A FOV setting of 120 seems to be ideal for 16:9 aspect ratios. Solution: use one of the widescreen mods, or roll your own fix. Also RacerS made an external tool (assuming you can find it) that can adjust the FOV, but editing the files responsible is the best solution.
• FarCry will "randomly" crash with an unhelpful message about "memory could not be read". No solution seems to be known for this one. It's been said that it happens more when playing mods then just playing the base game. This is fairly rare, but most serious players have probably seen it a few times.
• Alt tabbing from FarCry while loading a level, but just after the progress bar has filled will result in severe visual corruption. Found by Obi1Xtreme
• Rarely, an AI opponent will become permanently stuck on an obstacle. They can be approached without danger, and it's a prime selfie opportunity.
• If you start the game, and then load a save made when the binoculars were active ... your screen will constantly flash green. Probably something most dedicated players will never encounter. Fixed in Farout Widescreen.
• If you are holding a weapon such as an M4 underwater and hold the fire button, the game will experience a stack overflow. The UI will disappear and the game will crash if you keep it up. Tested on patch 1.4, and was found by Obi1Xtreme
• If you don't look at the enemies on Swamp level when Val is driving ... they won't shoot at you. [Probably does not apply to the chopper?] Credits to LlabmuG.
• Dead enemies will not fall when killed. Instead they remain in place, and play a walking animation. They can't be shot anymore, and the player can walk right through them. Hardcore players will likely have seen this once or twice.
• Dead enemies sometimes are floating in the air when killed. Especially when returning to the area? Probably more common (and less serious) than the issue where they are dead but keep walking.
• Once in a great while an enemy will die when firing his gun, and keep firing till his body despawns. Pretty annoying.. Many have seen this glitch a time or two.
Fun Stuff
• On Training level, before starting the cutscene where Jack picks up the phone and talks to Doyle the first time ... you can knock it off of the box with a stone. Then in the cutscene, Jack reaches for nothing but still ends up with the phone. Credits to Flavius
• You can use the weapons from vehicles even when on foot. Drop the weapon from slot one. Then save the game while you are inside a vehicle that has weapons. Now reload that save. And Jack magically has the vehicle's weapon in slot one. Discovered by the FarCry speedrunning community.
• Physics are unpredictable. Sometimes hitting a wooden fence or a pig with a vehicle may launch the vehicle high into the air. Typically seen ruining speedruns
• Physics are unpredictable. Jumping against a wooden fence (on foot) can result in an impressive boost sometimes. Discovered by the FarCry speedrunning community.